i'm starting this blog to coincide with my move across the ocean, from toronto to luxembourg! i'm leaving in 34 hours, which is really kind of unbelievable. the not-coming-back-anytime-soon part that is. i really don't know if i'll stay or if i'll come back but for now my plans all involve europe :) and a certain someone who was obviously the main reason for my moving to a country i'm not sure i even knew existed a while ago... but it's not so much about moving to luxembourg, the tiny country, as luxembourg, the city in the middle of europe. it's so easy to travel around and i'm very excited to do it!
though subject to change depending on if/when i find a full-time job, right now i'm planning to go to poland for a week near the end of january and then spain in the middle of february. and exploring every corner of luxembourg whenever i can.
and of course i'm inviting everyone i know to visit me :)

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