about the songs:
1- maciek kurowicki i HURT 'mechaniczne schody jadą w górę' (mechanical stairs ride up)
about everything changing, new technology, new ideas all around, and has a cute video :)
the chorus goes "mechanical stairs ride up and i stand in one place and nothing"
2- sidney polak 'chomiczówka'
about his childhood in the warsaw suburb of chomiczówka, which was made up of apartment blocks.
he sings about all the firsts:
pierwsze wino, pierwsza wódka first wine, first vodka
pierwsza dziewczyna, pierwsza lufka first girl, first pipe
pierwsze imprezy, chlanie na balkonach first parties, boozing on balconies
pierwsze próby z zespołem rockowym first tries at rock music
pierwsze o życiu poważne rozmowy first serious conversations about life
pierwsze pomysły, co tu dalej robić first thoughts, what to do next
pierwsze porażki i pierwsze sukcesy first defeats, first successes
pierwsze życiowe prawdziwe stresy first real stresses in life
pierwsze zazdrości i pierwsze miłości first jealousies and first loves
pierwsze pogruchotane kości first broken bones
pierwsze papierosy przy automacie first cigarettes from the dispenser
pierwsze pornosy w czyjejś chacie first pornos in someone's shack
pierwsza śmierć widziana na własne oczy. first death seen with your own eyes
and so on... a bit rough, but the video is exactly what i remember about the rougher parts of poland from staying with my cousins in the summer. everyone from age 8-25 sitting around smoking together, drinking, causing trouble...
3- maciek kurowicki i HURT 'jesteś mały' (you're little)
just a funny song that reminds of chumbawumba, about being a little person, unimportant, insignificant... but sung in a happy way, haha.
the verses go like: you live in a little house, drive a little car, eat little french fries, drink a little coca-cola, you have little experience, and little imagination...
4- akurat 'zeszyt sprzed lat' (notebook from long ago)
about finding his old notebook, flipping through it, remembering everything and realizing that he's changed. it's a slow, winding song...
the chorus goes:
kolejne dni
następne strony
otwiera się przede mną
i na jawie śni
świat odnaleziony
i reveal
the following days
i turn
the next pages
in front of me opens
as a daydream
a rediscovered world
5- sydney polak 'otwieram wino' (i open a bottle of wine)
this is my favourite song these days, for the lyrics. it's again about time, not wanting it to go by so quickly. in the chorus he sings about opening a bottle of wine with his girlfriend and wanting to stop time at that moment.
the first verse, translated:
6- akurat 'pa, pa, pa'
it's sung from the point of view of a little child going to sleep, thinking about the day and going to preschool tomorrow. very cute, like a lullaby.
two little parts i like:
i don't want to sleep
but the moon tells me
about the most beautiful
dreams of his life
on the ceiling i can see them
they're so colourful
and the sun tells me
about the warmest
days of his life
in the blue
i can see them
they're so colourful
1- maciek kurowicki i HURT 'mechaniczne schody jadą w górę' (mechanical stairs ride up)
about everything changing, new technology, new ideas all around, and has a cute video :)
the chorus goes "mechanical stairs ride up and i stand in one place and nothing"
2- sidney polak 'chomiczówka'
about his childhood in the warsaw suburb of chomiczówka, which was made up of apartment blocks.
he sings about all the firsts:
pierwsze wino, pierwsza wódka first wine, first vodka
pierwsza dziewczyna, pierwsza lufka first girl, first pipe
pierwsze imprezy, chlanie na balkonach first parties, boozing on balconies
pierwsze próby z zespołem rockowym first tries at rock music
pierwsze o życiu poważne rozmowy first serious conversations about life
pierwsze pomysły, co tu dalej robić first thoughts, what to do next
pierwsze porażki i pierwsze sukcesy first defeats, first successes
pierwsze życiowe prawdziwe stresy first real stresses in life
pierwsze zazdrości i pierwsze miłości first jealousies and first loves
pierwsze pogruchotane kości first broken bones
pierwsze papierosy przy automacie first cigarettes from the dispenser
pierwsze pornosy w czyjejś chacie first pornos in someone's shack
pierwsza śmierć widziana na własne oczy. first death seen with your own eyes
and so on... a bit rough, but the video is exactly what i remember about the rougher parts of poland from staying with my cousins in the summer. everyone from age 8-25 sitting around smoking together, drinking, causing trouble...
3- maciek kurowicki i HURT 'jesteś mały' (you're little)
just a funny song that reminds of chumbawumba, about being a little person, unimportant, insignificant... but sung in a happy way, haha.
the verses go like: you live in a little house, drive a little car, eat little french fries, drink a little coca-cola, you have little experience, and little imagination...
4- akurat 'zeszyt sprzed lat' (notebook from long ago)
about finding his old notebook, flipping through it, remembering everything and realizing that he's changed. it's a slow, winding song...
the chorus goes:
kolejne dni
następne strony
otwiera się przede mną
i na jawie śni
świat odnaleziony
i reveal
the following days
i turn
the next pages
in front of me opens
as a daydream
a rediscovered world
5- sydney polak 'otwieram wino' (i open a bottle of wine)
this is my favourite song these days, for the lyrics. it's again about time, not wanting it to go by so quickly. in the chorus he sings about opening a bottle of wine with his girlfriend and wanting to stop time at that moment.
the first verse, translated:
look how everything quickly changes,
something is, and later it isn’t
a person is only the sum of his breaths
so don’t tell me there’s some meaning.
i’d like to know something, anything for certain,
and that’s the essence of my torment. i only know
that everything changes, something is and later it isn’t.
that’s not a lie, every story has its dilema,
has its beginning and end like a ballad,
a new topic, it twists and turns and later dies.
nothing lasts forever, it’s dangerous
to believe that something is eternal.
good times, just like photographs:
i collect them in my mind like in an old drawer. 6- akurat 'pa, pa, pa'
it's sung from the point of view of a little child going to sleep, thinking about the day and going to preschool tomorrow. very cute, like a lullaby.
two little parts i like:
i don't want to sleep
but the moon tells me
about the most beautiful
dreams of his life
on the ceiling i can see them
they're so colourful
and the sun tells me
about the warmest
days of his life
in the blue
i can see them
they're so colourful
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